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REPORT | The Journeys | Ft. Raj Tanwar

EPISODE 5 FT. Raj Tanwar

Muskan- In today’s episode we will dive deep into the world of Human Resources with industry expert and thought leader Raj is highly experienced and accomplished CHRO at Advantage club with expertise in talent management MA specialisation he is an advisory council member at Forbes Human Resource Council .Throughout his career Raj has helped organisations attract and retain top talent while navigating complex challenges in the ever-changing landscape of HR .In this episode we will be discussing his unique approach to Talent management ,M&A including his strategies for success in mergers and Acquisitions .Whether you are an HR professional or simply interested in the latest trends and best practices in talent management you don’t want to miss the episodes to sit back relax and let’s hear from him on the HR Insider podcast.

Hello Raj, welcome to the show.

Raj- Hi Muskan ,thank you so much for inviting me to the show and it didn’t seem like it was my introduction, it seemed like somebody else .

Muskan- It’s your introduction and we are glad to have you on the show.

Raj-  Pleasure is all mine.

Muskan- So I would like to begin with my first question which is could you please tell us about your background and how you got started in your field ?

Raj- So to be very honest coming to this field was purely accidental. A choice that I would say was a forced choice. I wanted to serve in army because my whole family is in Indian army and so I wanted to do it and I cleared in fact by the way my NDA and I was all set to join forces but then came a bad news during my medical examination, I got to understand that I’m a flat foot and flat foots do have a medical difference and they don’t allow you as a part of forces .So I realised that I’m not meant for this career. I’ll have to do something else so my objective was very clear. I either served the nation or make money it’s as simple as that .So, I decided that how do I make money and at that point of time Tech was booming way back I’m talking about when I start my college .So we all know and there was so much a buzzer around it at the same time I love people so what happened is that I studied formally I did my graduation which is my management graduation because a kind of mix of both people in Tech so I did it in HR and technology and rest all is I’d say history and the rest time in front of you because after that I’ve studied a lot but yeah to keep it short a little bit about my background forces that’s what I wanted to do.That’s where I am right now.

Muskan- But, I would like to say that you’re still contributing and helping other people and you’re a great leader so I think you are contributing to the nation.

Raj-  Yes, I believe so too that I would want to contribute in some other manner.

Muskan-  So my next question to you is how do you balance your personal life with your work ? And what strategies do you use to maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Raj- I come from a very very ordinary family I come from as literally I come from a family of you know Armed Forces so discipline is something which is impacting us and I would say that I am one of the most undisciplined child you’ll ever find you know my rule is First Break All the Rules before you make rules so I had a bit tough time with my father over certain things in life because he’s very disciplined he’ll get up on time though he’s made sure that all those things get into me very fast and it did actually. But I think what I would say is that you know it starts very early in believing yourself I would say that and what I mean by that is, I learned this thing very-very beautifully from our father he said ,even if your rebellious doesn’t matter but be pragmatic about what you’re doing and that’s what I did so I always first of all practice self-care I begin my day with some kind of an activity which gives me mental relaxation and if I’m doing a physical exercise some kind of a you know physical relief so first I would say that self-care is very very important that’s how we should begin and as I said hats off to my father at that time I didn’t believe in him but more I am now becoming experienced in my life. I fall back and I realise what he said was so true.So that’s how most of the army professionals who start their day with discipline would get up on time you know ,start your day early start with something that makes you feel good so that’s how I start. Second, is I prioritize my day so when I start my office hours I prioritize whether I’m in the car or whether I have reached office before I take my scum I prioritize the task for that day then it’s very important for me to understand what is possible to be accomplished today and what is not possible to be accomplished, today and I’ll make sure that I set boundaries around it to understand that is it possible today it’s not possible. I try to push it to get it done if it’s not then when it doesn’t frustrate me and that’s where people start feeling that work-life balance is becoming an issue ,because then they try to complete it in the same day and that becomes an issue so set boundaries that’s very-very important during this time. It’s very important to take breaks, communicate, laugh, celebrate together which I do it by Design .And, before I end my day I just reflect back on the whole day how it has been could I have done something better would have made anybody’s life better or did I make somebody’s life miserable uh how should I not do it again so I would say these four principles which is self-care very very simple prioritized set boundaries last most important celebrate take breaks communicate that’s how I make sure that you know work life balance either for me or my team has never been an issue so as we are talking about healthy work-life balance .

Muskan- Would you like to draw some light on the article that you have written in Forbes, which you co-authored ?

Raj- The article was all about talking about some tips and techniques on how you make sure that you know you don’t feel the burnout and the techniques which I just shared with you are the classic techniques that I use and they are very-very effective. I’ll give an example, so that you’re able to connect to it see whenever you start your day um you start a day either absolutely on a plane slate or you start with a lot of baggage you know a lot of people when they get up in the morning they start with a lot of setbacks in their life that they have gone through awesome emotional turmoil something or else you know either there in the mind so one of the most essential thing that you have to do is you have to let go the moment you get up so somebody has a Let Go by going to a gym, working out somebody has a Let Go by by watching TV, somebody has a Let Go by you know reading a newspaper with a cup of tea, I don’t know what works for you whether it’s a physical or a mental balance that you need to gain back but you do need to gain back and as I said all these philosophies of Mind simple come from a very very plain practical life you know and sometimes that’s how I used to begin my day with couple of I would say emotional backlog or kind of you know some kind of a baggage that I used to carry in my mind and somebody as my father and a couple of other people who taught me this technique that when you get up in the morning start with a plane slate just forget whatever has happened in the life just start with what you are today and that’s where you begin from and once you start the day from there you understand where have you come you look back at your life and say that it’s beautiful whatever I’ve achieved or whatever I’m doing and self-appreciate yourself it’s very important you know. Your day starts with a very-very positive energy when you start your day with positive energy. It’s important to understand what is that you’re going to accomplish Because by the end of day even if you have accomplished two tasks you will not feel that you have a work-life balance issue because you know that you have achieved something and when you have a sense of satisfaction and achievement you always feel contented the work-life balance become an issue when tasks are not completed when I go back home you are still carrying those tasks in your mind and then you feel burnout so I’d say it’s very very important self-care, prioritize yourself, set boundaries .It is possible today or not ,most important celebrate during that time.

Muskan- That’s a very great saying Raj .So Raj my next question to you is would you like to talk about your education, you know when you were a student ?

Raj- So as I told you, I was never a very-very extraordinary brilliant student up till my 12th. I’d say that very ordinary student, very rebellious kid .Let me tell you I’ll be like one of the naughtiest children that you would find amongst all   kids that are around and you know study was a very-very low quotient in my top list or top priority. That was there up till I would say when I actually realized that Army is not the career that I’ll be able to pursue that setback that I got. And that’s when I got a little serious about my life and I realized that you know studies are very-very important so I if I look back then now everything is history because I’ll just go very fast you know I don’t want to overwhelm either you or the audiences but I’ve studied a lot after that so I did my BBA I stood seventh in the University after which I did my full-time MBA .Then versus now I’m a rank holder from symbiosis. I did my further education from IIM ,then I went to do my further study. I’m a certified merger and acquisition specialist .I did my further education and strategy and Innovation from Columbia business school very recently. I have completed my post graduation and design thinking and human-centric design from MIT and right now at present that I’m talking to you I am still pursuing my post graduation in product management so this is just partly I have shared with you but I’ve studied a lot after that because I realize it’s very-very important to keep yourself updated to stay ahead in the game it’s important that you know the game well and that’s why for me studies became very-very important so that’s where it is recommendable you know then after a backlash in your life you just grew and you just changed the path of the course and like you were rebellious kid and then suddenly you become a scholar and that’s pretty great you know I was feeling it was kind of happened by Design because up till this I was very clear about it that I have to serve my nation and if I have to go in forces I don’t think so studies are the first thing that I need to be focusing on I was more as I said more towards physical education. I was more towards analytical thinking I was doing all activities in and around me to clear my NDA so my entire Focus was that in India you don’t have to be the best scorer right in India you need to be a right logical thinker you need to be a person who will be able to take right decisions at the right time. You know you’ll be able to communicate very clearly you should be the best at what you’re doing so the skills which were required was something that I was looking for and I was preparing for it but when I got a setback and I realized that this is not what I’m for because I have a physical deformation and that’s when my career course changed and I became very serious of studies.

Muskan- I think whatever you did I hope it became a good for you .So I actually did a podcast with Colonel so he was from adani group and the way he told his stories, now he’s in the corporate industry so you know you are in a corporate industry and you are doing pretty great. So I think that even the backlash worked for you .

Raj- Indeed !It did because I would say that it’s just that I’m not serving the nation at the front but now I’m serving the nation being a part of the nation but at the same time I feel the sense of satisfaction that I have is far more greater because I’m a firm believer of whatever God does does it for good.

Muskan- Of course, so my next question to you is can you share with us some of your favourite books, podcasts or movies that have had a significant impact on your life or career ?

Raj- Yeah first of all I’m a movie buff. So any kind of movie for that matter of fact it doesn’t matter whether it’s Hindi ,English whether it’s Iranian  you know any movie Egyptian and just a movie buff I just need to understand a movie a little bit and if there are subtitles I can watch any movie by David so that’s where it is but yeah you know. I love couple of movies and my genre the kind of movies that I love are more historic movies or mythological these look at the movies that I love like a lot of things and couple of things like that so that’s for about movies but as I said for movies there’s nothing like good or bad I like all kind of movies so that’s where it is the book A book which left a deep impact on me is a book called as hit refresh I’m not sure if you had a chance to read it’s by Satya Nadela  and it really impacted me a lot when I realised that such a great leader such a big achiever but you know with the kind of issues that he had with this child you know how he could still manage to lead the world lead how he’s head of Microsoft, how he’s still leading Microsoft and transforming it ,hats off .So I think I personally learned a lot as a leader from that book and I managed to overcome my own baggage which was telling you that sometimes it does come to my mind I could have done better so I would say that book left a very-very deep impact on me and if you haven’t read it I’d certainly recommend you and all the audiences to do read that book. I’m in love with this guy called as Jacob Morgan and he writes some awesome book on employees specifically HR intake and one of his famous book is called as employee experience advantage and I love it and I would say within books which is I am a lot more into reading I love you know you all Noah and his books like sapiens and couple of other books so that’s kind of fiction also I love so um that’s where it is in terms of podcast yeah we were talking and I heard you you know mentioning about humans of Bombay I’ll I’ll watch a little more about them but I personally love TRS by Ranveer Alahbadia and I’m a huge fan of his you know his positive energy his passion his smile and the way he’s been able to get the maxim out of his audience I love it so he’s somebody that I admire as a podcaster now the podcast career is growing a lot .

Muskan- So I think I will watch, could you please repeat the name.

Raj-  His name is TRS ranveer Alhabadia okay I will surely look at indeed in fact he’s a great guy who’s doing very well in this field.

Muskan- Here is my next question to you: how has technology changed the HR landscape and what impact do you think it will have in the future ?

Raj- HR started how it started. I was a little lost for initial few years because it was not the size content which was available when it started and why it started .But then I started figuring it out by you know exploring a little more further so it went into four different phase and the first phase was when HR began it was utility phase when you know the world immediately just I’d say before the industrial Liberation era I was trying to find out what are those utilities through which mass production is possible and there came the first I would say Genesis of birth of each are in form of you know personal HR in form of making sure that they were restrict about disciplined rules timing so on and so forth then came the industrial era where production started happening and each are actually became a Time deeper in a welfare officer and a canteen keeper and so on and so forth. Then came the era of I would say early on you can say up up till early where hr became very popular because by then industrialization it already happened people had to be re-skilled for the new set of economy the economy was opening it up for Global players so I would say that era was more built towards the HR partnership HR is an engagement partner HR as hrs the kind of a concept came in which is human resource development and so on and so forth I would say early  is when the concept of employee experience emerged and today we are talking a lot more about employee experience because the Genesis is as simple as that if you want your best customers to be treated the best way you will have to treat your employees the same way as you want as you want them to be treating your customer so the concept of customer experience then as it is replicated on employee experience and Technology became a very very important aspect so  when it was taking birth you know they were I would say thought leaders who picked this as a concept they started working on it pandemic just fast forwarded I would say at least  years of her life and Tech then now became adoptable in every phase of employee life cycle so whether it’s onboarding whether it’s retention whether it’s reward and recognition whether for that matter of fact well-being Performance Management System payroll everywhere Tech is there today and that’s the only way to scale and that’s the only way to provide personalized touch so I would feel that Tech is here to stay in HR and Tech is the future of HR that’s what my personal belief is so Raj what do you think are some of the most important scared to be successful very deep question I’d put it like that because what has happened we are still teaching old HR nature rules have changed in pandemic I don’t know how many times we have heard that rules are Rewritten now but what are we doing we’re still reading old HR either in our books or in reality so I think first of all we need to break all the rules I’m a firm believer of that and I said it also development as well and I would say that one of the reason I did my post graduation and design thinking is to relocate from an employee empathy standpoint of view what does an employee need so we need to I would say for any Asia professional it’s important to study design Thinking by I would say as a part of course curriculum it needs to imbibe in them as a part of problem solving second they need to stop looking at employee as a engagement partner and business as an enabler that they are enabling business absolutely not let’s understand everyone has a role to play and I feel that if there is a firm function which is solely responsible for employee Delight so whatever you do you need to make sure that your employees are happy they you definitely care, they feel that there is someone to support them all the time and HR plays a very very critical role there. I would also say HR plays a very important role in employee brand building whether it’s internally or externally and when I say that they play a very big role in how do they do it because they do it by bringing new solutions ,they do it by bringing Innovation, they don’t do it by hiring right set of people at the right time .Managing you know talent management is a very very important aspect of my strategy wherever I have worked at the CHRO and I would say last and was most important when you do so many things you become actually a culture Ambassador you become a culture driver and once a culture is set nobody can copy the culture you know it’s very

difficult to copy the culture it’s very easy to copy these solutions that I’m telling you so I take a firm role of a niche leader is a culture Builder .I would say somebody who creates belongingness focuses on diversity including inclusivity as somebody who focuses on coaching well-being and most important talent management creating a larger brand so that’s my idea .

Muskan-So that’s great whatever you have said .Okay so Raj my next question to you is how do you stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in HR ?

Raj- See it’s very-very important to read. There’s no shortcut to it and if you can’t read listen you know listen to a podcast we just spoke couple of minutes back .What I do is I have been a part of uh you know we have a quarterly meeting that happens when all the Forbes members globally they come and we talk about what’s happening in ,we have to keep which um which helps me to update myself most of the time and every week on Forbes there are articles and contributions that all of us as members write and make sure that the area of HR whatever is coming new are bringing it first to the world so that plays a very very critical role in my life. The second is that I would say knowledge , I would say

repositories like Google that I read very very often and most important I’ll tell you that Muskan I follow some influences like uh I mentioned with you know a couple of minutes back Jacob Morgan uh Josh bush and these are a couple of you know David Ulrich, these are couple of influencers that have that are followed by Design. I just don’t leave them out, you know anything that comes from them. I just read it because that’s the shortest way of consuming the best in the market, you know. They have studied so much and what they are now speaking is just I would say abbreviation or narration of their uh you know accumulation of the entire knowledge so why should I let it go so I will say influences aggregators and then my profession you know along with that folks these are the things which help me to stay ahead of the curve so what advice would you give to someone who’s interested in pursuing a career in your child career in a chat very interesting I would say that career in nature is a little out of the league you know each year many times I have seen that buy happen by force it doesn’t happen by Design so if it has happened to you either ways whether you did not want to choose it or you wanted to choose it ,it’s important that you read what is written but you think what is essential because there’s a fundamental difference in between policies and employees wish is what you need to be doing it is you need to be understanding it as a concept of what it is but you need to do what is required in the Market at that point of time and I think that is what I would advise but I’d certainly say that formal education helps because then you get to understand deeper aspects of you know I would say industry psychology you get to understand deeper aspects of Performance Management System onboarding hiring yeah a lot of lot of things that you get to learn which otherwise I think will be very difficult for anyone to understand and learn. But my suggestion is that once you get into it make it a part of your formal ,you know I would say education and then after the think out of the box think something which is fundamentally outside what is written in the book then only you will be able to maximum out of it otherwise you’re like one of the ordinary student who just got into HR and will just complete HR approach working with clients who may have different cultural backgrounds or work styles on your own because I’ve seen that you have worked in South Africa if I’m not mistaken yeah by the way I have managed HR in more than 20 countries – and I have personally been you know I would say that posted in many countries and one of the very essential thing I realized we Indians are very good job you know we believe in God we believe in just in time um yeah actually Jay is imbibed in us you know so I would say that we need to first come out of that. You know first of all leave that you have to understand when once you hit a country you know what are the sensitivities of that culture and I’ll share a small little example when I was posted at Singapore

you know we Indians are very good at calling immediate meetings you know call everyone let’s let’s do a team hurdle, let’s do a brainstorming.They don’t appreciate that, they’re very planned set of people they plan their day ahead in advance you know they’re meeting this schedule everything is planned .And, if we as I said we come with our own you know films and fancies and we think that you know working late and night and going to office early day morning only after boss leaves these are the best way of working that’s not how the world Works so when you go outside India you need to first of all and what I do is consume how the countries what are the nuances in that particular country what people appreciate do not appreciate like if the same thing I tell you about Japan it’ll be the other way around you know .People y carry work home it’s very different culture altogether. If you go to Germany it’s very different ,if you go to UK it’s very different ,so whichever culture you go to first of all consume the culture it’s very very important understand talk to a couple of people try to make a sense out of it okay this is something which people accept this is something which people don’t accept once you get that then show genuine concern for their culture. You know most of the people in age chart when they manage International nature they do not appreciate the local nuances you need to be genuinely appreciating them you you need to be looked upon as a leader which is actually understanding them and coming from their footprint then talk about certain stories .Even if you want to change them talk about certain stories in other cultures how it worked and then try to tell them would you be open for change here and when you do something like that it’s called a theory of normalization, when you normalize your culture with their culture you start understanding that they get appreciation about your culture you start appreciating their culture and last I would say most important always keep the communication Channel open. If they don’t like something let them come over to you and tell you that you know you know you know the best fitter you’re not done this right or if something you did not like about them. You should be able to freely go back and tell that hey guys can we change this so communication as a channel should always be very open and and I do that always so that’s I have been able to manage these cultures but I’d say very very important for any HR professional if you’re looking for a career in nature Multicultural exposure is very essential it’ll change you as a professional ,it’ll change your fundamentals.

Muskan- So which one was the hardest for you to know culturally ?

Raj- I would say the hardest geography that I have managed is the Middle East ,very-very difficult because it’s a Boiling Pot of many countries. Nationalities coming over there working together were working with a company called Lloyd. I had more than people with  nationalities nine zero nationalities working over there and over and above you have added rules which are very very different from the rest of the world .So yeah I’d say one of the one of the most difficult geography was Middle East and within Middle East at that point of time I would say Libya of course it was a difficult one to manage .

Muskan- What inspired your current career ? Well,I know that it was not your first choice but still how did you choose to go for HR ?

Raj- As picking up HR um for me at that point of time happened by default because as I said even if I would have been an army what I would have been doing. I would have been managing a great Workforce at the same time I would have been leading from the front so um first of all you need to be very clear about it that people should not overwhelm you. It’s a job wherein you need to consume a lot you need to be comfortable, first of all meeting a new face ,interacting with that new face, getting the max amount of new faces and then giving that warmth back in you to the person who is approached you .So one thing you need to be very-very clear, you need to be comfortable dealing with people I have seen that a lot of people who adopt HR but they’re very conservative in their nature if you’re

conservative in nature you may not be able to succeed in HR so get comfortable with people that’s first second is there .A lot of HR professionals which are not good at numbers I would say you need to be at the top of the number game because if you do not understand your business and you do not understand your numbers you will not be able to contribute to the largest strategy. So it’s very-very essential .So that’s second I would say so first is people ,second is number ,the third thing I would say if you want to be successful in HR and if you are choosing HR you should build a new is problem solving and that is also Tech based problem solving because over a period of time you cannot meet everyone ,you cannot make everyone happy, because the amount of individualism that has happened or that has come lately is very high when what I mean by that what I mean by that is my choice

everything about me so we are doing a lot of well-being activities am I right but in many organisations you see these well-being activities are failing out the reason ,they are failing out because well-being means different things for different people. For me, going to a gym makes well-being ,for somebody listening to great music and a mental piece, as well maybe for somebody eating the right food is a well-being, for somebody learning something new is well-being, so well-being has different dimensions ,for somebody it’s spiritual .Am I right ? So it’s about me ,my time and Technology then becomes a very very important fulcrum the last thing I would say that you should be able to work in multiple cultures so four or five things these things I would say which is people numbers large Tech driven Solutions and multicultural if you can sum them all and then put as a part of your strategy

which you’re trying to build, you’re a great HR professional and you will be able to make a difference is what my belief is and that will be my advice too.

Muskan- Raj my next question to you is how do you stay motivated and focused when working on long-term projects and what strategies do you use to overcome setbacks ?

Raj- See, I’m a firm believer of as I said Muskan I’m a firm believer of your own thought process and I say that motivation sometimes is within I can’t wake up a Mother Teresa or Mahatma Gandhi in someone just by speaking good words, you know you can motivate somebody for a moment but for that motivation to remain for a longer time. Motivation is very very important so I’m not saying that you shouldn’t motivate people ,even momentarily that you’re motivating it I am not saying that but what I’m saying is sustainable motivation is important and that comes from within so somebody can spark you and that spark has to then convert into a fire and to let that fire go it has to come from within. So, that’s what I believe in ,to make sure that that motivation persists in your work on large projects it start dimming down because what you are seeing is only ahead you are not pausing for a minute and looking back and I know it very often whenever there’s a large project and it’s not going right it’s not that I look at only the end goal, I also pause for a minute celebrate, and I look at back how much far away that I have come because that builds confidence in me, that I’m not standing at zero you know from zero to ten Journey I’m always standing at five where I am standing at seven. So I look back and I appreciate that we have come all this way long back and I also motivate my team at the same time clap for everyone do a small little motivation talk at that time if it is required or a ceremony or whatever it is it required to celebrate that moment in which you are living and then reset my goal and and if it is required to be changing the course correction do it but do not focus, but do not lose the focus that you have and do not get demotivated .Because once you get demotivated it’s very very difficult to come back on track ,so whenever you get tired pause for a minute, stop, celebrate ,breathe out and then start with a fresh and early. That’s how I do so that’s how I keep my self-motivation but personally I am a strong believer that motivation comes from within and that fire has to be there within to move forward .

Muskan- So I wish to ask you what are some of your long-term goals or aspirations and how do you plan to achieve them ?

Raj-See I only have two long-term goals. Now long back I had a goal to become a CHR I have been CHRO of four very-very large companies .Now the present role that I am  more of a chief strategy officer of a large HR Tech platform and I wanted to do some kind of disruption this HR industry and I’m very happy I’m doing it. So that was my first goal after I achieved it after I became CHRO that I wanted to do something Beyond HR and I’m so happy that I’m doing it the second goal that I had is to touch many lives and and do something in which I’d be able to contribute back which I told you that’s how I started and at the same time in this journey if I make money you know nothing wrong about it but I mean very very clear I wanted to do something which which is all about care, which is all about happiness, which is all about reward ,which is all about recognition .And, I’m living that life because the HR Tech platform right now that I’m and heading or I’m working as a part of the team is we are in we are called as Advantage club and as a partner there at the company I’m solely responsible for giving shape to this beautiful solution which is meant for employee engagement as a end-to-end solution and we have a solution which is meant for every employee life cycle phase. Whether it’s onboarding, it’s retention, it’s good job done it’s well-being it’s communities Advantage Club .So I often say that and I talk to my I talk to my Founders and I tell them we are in the business of delivering happiness and what better business that it can be in the world today where there are so many problems if you can deliver happiness .That’s the best thing that you can ever do and I think I’m living my goal and living my dream so that’s what I want to do for the rest of my life and maybe I want to retire from here .

Muskan-Okay so I’m gonna go on to my last question which is what’s your parting message to the audience?

Raj-  Oh that’s a very very loaded expectation but I see I’m no motivational talker as I said I’m a very ordinary human being who’s done some bit of an extraordinary work and achieved something in life. I would say only simple one thing keep walking and whenever I get low I look back and I as I told you I look back I see how much far away I have come long back .I read this poem sitting on my father’s lap and I’m a lot more motivated by my father .and it was a Robert Frost poem which says that Woods are lovely dark and deep ,but I have Promises to Keep ,in miles to go before I sleep , and and I only say that you know to all the audiences if you have a goal in your life and you are not right now doing what what goal you have set for yourself,don’t don’t be in that profession or don’t do if you’re doing

it for the heck of earning money. Maybe you’ll be able to do it for a year or two years or three years but ultimately you will end up quitting that. So if your heart does not lie what you’re doing or what what you’re into, just leave it .And do what you want to do, because that’s more important ,that will give you happiness, that will give you money ,that’ll give you growth ,that will give you what you want .But ,yeah I know a lot of people talk about it but when I did it what I wanted to do. I only felt content after that ,otherwise believe me as I said I have been a CHR of four large companies. I was never happy with what I was doing. But today I can tell you I’m one of the happiest people on Earth living a dream and creating this disruption because I wanted to do something back for the society that was my larger ulterior motive. And ,message again back to the audience is that do what you like, you don’t like it just stop it ,you have enough and more career option, you’re not living into the era that we used to live .In at that point of time where there are not too many job options available today you can be anyone so just just complete your dreams and wish what you have that will be my message.

Muskan- Thank you so much so much and I wish you all the luck for your miles to go and I know that you’ll do wonders in life.

Raj- And I wish you all the luck and success thank you thank you so much Muskan. I really loved and enjoyed this conversation after a long time somebody was asking me about myself and reflected back on myself .Thank you so much for letting me reflect back on myself as an individual and being a part of this journey.

Muskan- Thank you so much Raj and this is Muskan and I’m signing off!