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What are Version Control Systems?

Software instruments called version control systems (VCS) assist programmers in tracking changes made to source code and other files over time. Developers can keep track of code changes, communicate with other team members, and maintain various versions of the code with the help of a VCS.

The two main varieties of VCS are distributed and centralised. Distributed version control systems (VCS) enable developers to maintain their own local copies of the code and version history, in contrast to centralised VCSs, which keep everything on a single server.

How Version Control Systems are useful for businesses?

Version control systems have the following advantages for businesses:

Collaboration: Using a version control systems (VCS), multiple team members can work simultaneously on the same codebase without worrying about overwriting one another’s contributions.

Monitoring changes: The version control systems (VCS) maintains a history of all codebase changes, including who made what changes and when. Thus, any emerging problems can be quickly found and fixed by developers.

Rollback: With VCS, companies can quickly go back to an earlier, working version of the code if a bug is found in a new version of the code.

Branching: Creating different codebase branches with the help of VCS enables developers to work on new features or bug fixes without affecting the main codebase.

Security: Access control, one of the security features offered by VCS, makes sure that only members of the team who have been given permission can access the codebase.


In conclusion, version control systems (VCS) is a crucial tool for companies that depend on software development because it ensures that code is reliable, secure, and manageable.