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What are Visual Configuration Software?

Business organisations can streamline their product configuration and quotation processes with the aid of visual configuration software. This software typically offers a variety of features and functionalities that assist sales teams in quickly and accurately configuring products, generating quotes, and expediting deal closure. 

How Visual Configuration Software are useful for businesses?

The following are some typical characteristics of visual configuration software:

Product visualisation: Tools for real-time product visualisation, like 3D modelling or augmented reality, are frequently included in visual configuration software. This makes it possible for sales teams to quickly make changes and show prospects how their configured products will appear.

Configurable rules: Defining and enforcing configurable rules, like minimum and maximum order quantities or pricing tiers, is made easy with the help of many visual configuration solutions. This guarantees that product configurations made by sales teams are accurate and adhere to the organization’s pricing policies.

Quote generation and management: Visual configuration software might also have features for creating and managing quotes, like automated quote creation or integration with outside quoting resources. This makes it easier for sales teams to manage the quoting process efficiently and produce quotes quickly and accurately.

Integration with CRM and ERP systems: Lastly, a lot of visual configuration solutions offer integration with CRM and ERP systems, allowing companies to transfer product configuration and quoting information between systems without any hassle. This facilitates the sales process and lowers the possibility of mistakes or double data entry.


Overall, businesses that want to automate their product configuration and quotation processes, lower errors, boost efficiency, and ultimately close more deals, can benefit greatly from using visual configuration software. Businesses can increase sales productivity, improve the customer experience, and foster long-term revenue growth by giving sales teams the resources and tools they need to accurately and quickly configure products.